You ask the waiter for a carry out bag.\n\n[[Home]]
<<if $stage eq 1>>[[LATER THAT NIGHT YOU FALL ASLEEP|d1]]<<endif>><<if $stage eq 2>>[[LATER THAT NIGHT YOU FALL ASLEEP|d2]]<<endif>><<if $stage eq 3>>[[LATER THAT NIGHT YOU FALL ASLEEP|d3]]<<endif>><<if $stage eq 4>>[[LATER THAT NIGHT YOU FALL ASLEEP|d4]]<<endif>><<if $stage eq 5>>[[LATER THAT NIGHT YOU FALL ASLEEP|d5]]<<endif>><<if $stage eq 6>>[[LATER THAT NIGHT YOU FALL ASLEEP|d6]]<<endif>>\n\n<<set $drank = 0>>
A wooden gate with a big black and white and red Beware Of Dog sign.\n\nThey open the gate a crack, then all the way when they see it's [[you]].
version.extensions['replaceMacro'] = {major:1, minor:0, revision:0};\n macros['replace'] = {\n handler: function (g, e, f, b) {\n var h = insertElement(null, "div", null, "replacement");\n var k = b.source.indexOf('>>', b.matchStart) + 2;\n var a = b.source.slice(k);\n var d = -1;\n var c = '';\n var l = 0;\n \n for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {\n if(a.substr(i, 14) == '<<endreplace>>') {\n if(l == 0) {\n d = k + i + 14;\n break;\n }\n else {\n l--;\n c += a.charAt(i);\n }\n }\n else {\n if(a.substr(i, 9) == '<<replace') {\n l++;\n }\n c += a.charAt(i);\n }\n }\n if(d != -1) {\n var m = Wikifier.createInternalLink(g,null);\n m.className="internalLink replaceLink";\n insertText(m,f[0]);\n insertText(h,c);\n g.appendChild(h);\n = "none";\n m.onclick = function() {\n var n = this.nextSibling;\n if (n) { \n var t = n.firstChild ?n.firstChild.nodeValue : "";\n removeChildren(n);\n new Wikifier(n,t);\n = "inline";\n fade(n, { fade: "in" });\n }\n this.parentNode.removeChild(this);\n }\n b.nextMatch = d;\n }\n else {\n throwError(g, "can't find matching endreplace");\n delete h;\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n macros['endreplace']={handler: function () {} }
[[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]]\n[[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]]\n[[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]]\n[[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]]\n[[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]] [[=]]\n\n<<set $factory = 0>>\n<<set $belt = 0>>\n<<set $store = 0>>\n<<set $stage = 0>>\n<<set $makeup = 0>>\n<<set $end = 0>>\n<<set $music = 0>>\n<<set $sex = 0>>\n<<set $drank = 0>>
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somehow it's morning [[again|living room]]
[[The flames consume you.|transit]]
This date is going really well.\n\n<<replace "Wipe the blood off your mouth.">><<replace "So hungry.">><<replace "Let the shards swirl around your mouth.">><<replace "Feel them cutting open your gums.">>[[Getting kind of full.]]<<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>>
<<replace "You are inside the mansion.">><<replace "The mansion is filling with tar.">><<replace "The tar is pouring down the stairs.">><<replace "The tar is drowning all the priceless paintings.">><<replace "The tar is ruining all the opulent furniture.">><<replace "The tar is coming up to your kneecaps.">><<replace "You can't breath in the thick black tar.">>[[can't breathe|transit]]<<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>>
Time for work.\n\n<<set $stage = $stage + 1>><<if $stage eq 1>>[[open the pod|kit 1]]<<endif>><<if $stage eq 2>>[[open the pod|kit 2]]<<endif>><<if $stage eq 3>>[[open the pod|kit 3]]<<endif>><<if $stage eq 4>>[[open the pod|kit 4]]<<endif>><<if $stage eq 5>>[[open the pod|kit 5]]<<endif>><<if $stage eq 6>>[[open the pod|kit 6]]<<endif>>
listening to late night radio as you fall [[asleep]]\n\nreports of depraved cyber hackers tampering with the pod systems\n\nLAPD says they have everything under control
You're on a date in a restaurant.\n\n[[Smile.]]
<<replace "The tar pours down the stairs.">><<replace "The tar ruins the carpet.">><<replace "The tar comes up to your thighs.">><<replace "The pills in your pocket are crackle popping on contact with the tar.">><<replace "The pills in your pocket explode. The black tar instantly turns to pink goo">><<replace "You swim through the mansion, through gooey labyrinths">><<replace "You can breathe in the slime">><<replace "You swim deeper">>[[into the glowing depths|transit]]<<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>>
You light a cigarette.\n\nWas it good for you too?\n\n[[Wake up.|living room]]
<<if $belt lt 5>>[[Relax|belt]]<<else>>[[Crushed|transit]]<<endif>>\n\n<<set $belt = $belt + 1>><<if $belt eq 1>>You relax and let the conveyor belt's smooth rollers carry you along.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $belt eq 2>>Rubbery black fluid glops from the ceiling and encases your business-suit clad body.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $belt eq 3>>Heat fans solidify the rubber.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $belt eq 4>>The conveyor belt hums along.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $belt eq 5>>A massive metal cylinder descends from the ceiling and crushes your body.<<endif>>
You gaze out across the skyline. Dark structures and fumes.\n\n<<if $drank eq 0>>[[ok|living room 2]]<<else>>[[ok|drink 2]]<<endif>>
happy valentwine's day from porpentine\n\n[[*]]
Obsidian DVD player. Obsidian plasma TV. Obsidian refrigerator with stainless steel ice machine.\n\n<<if $drank eq 0>>[[ok|living room 2]]<<else>>[[ok|drink 2]]<<endif>>
You run all the way across the mall arcology.\n\n[[You feel pretty okay.|1-store]]
The other person is sitting across from you.\n\n<<replace "The waiter brings over a plate.">>On the plate is a hammer and a screwdriver with a side of broken [[glass]].<<endreplace>>
dreamless\n\nbodiless\n\nyou sleep\n\nand feel nothing til you [[wake|living room]]
ALL I WANT IS FOR ALL OF MY FRIENDS TO BECOME INSANELY POWERFUL by [[porpentine|]]\n\nthank you [[marina|]]
The black factory ruin still functions on auxiliary battery power.\n\nGiant crushing machines. Conveyor belts. Vats of rubbery black fluid.\n\n<<set $factory = $factory + 1>><<if $factory eq 1>>You are a lone figure walking across the white gypsum desert into the black factory ruin.<<else>>You stand inside the black factory ruin, breathing steadily.<<endif>>\n\n<<if $factory eq 1>>[[Remove sunglasses|factory]]<<endif>><<if $factory eq 2>>[[Fold them|factory]]<<endif>><<if $factory eq 3>>[[Set them down on the concrete|factory]]<<endif>><<if $factory eq 4>>[[Lie down on the conveyor belt|belt]]<<endif>>
You arrive at a run-down little house in the suburbs.\n\n<<replace "knock on the door">><<replace "no answer">><<replace "check out back">>The backyard is behind a wooden fence and [[gate]].<<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>>
You pilot your rented obsidian Segway through the mall arcology for 1 hour. Holo-maps guide your way.\n\n[[Arrive|front]]
The pod explodes with pink goo and confetti\n\nspraying the interior of your apartment\n\ndrenching you in bubblegum-citrus smelling fluid.\n\n[[!|living room final]]
The mansion.\n\n<<replace "Unlock the gate.">><<replace "Cross the lawn.">><<replace "Open the door.">>[[go inside|mansion]]<<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>>
You drive your rented black minivan through the desert for 1 hour. You follow the GPS precisely.\n\n[[Arrive|factory]]
A pink tanker truck with green day-glo streaks is parked in front of your apartment building.\n\n<<replace "try the key">><<replace "get inside">><<replace "start the engine">>[[follow the GPS|across]]<<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>>
And [[wake up.|living room]]
You drive to the mansion.\n\n[[The gate is open.|pills]]
Soundtracks = {};\n(function(){\n var div = $("storeArea").firstChild;\n var fe = ["ogg","mp3","wav","webm"];\n while(div) {\n var b=String.fromCharCode(92);\n var q = '"';\n var re = "['"+q+"]([^"+q+"']*?)"+b+".(ogg|mp3|wav|webm)['"+q+"]";\n k(new RegExp(re,"gi"));\n div = div.nextSibling;\n }\n function k(c,e) {\n do {\n d = c.exec(div.innerHTML);\n if(d) {\n var a = new Audio();\n if (a.canPlayType) {\n for(var i=-1;i<fe.length;i+=1) {\n if (i>=0) d[2] = fe[i];\n if (a.canPlayType("audio/"+d[2])) \n break;\n }\n if (i<fe.length) {\n a.setAttribute("src",d[1]+"."+d[2]);\n Soundtracks[d[1]]=a;\n } else console.log("Browser can't play '"+d[1]+"'");\n }\n }\n } while(d);\n }\n}());\nversion.extensions['soundMacros'] = {major:1, minor:0, revision:0};\nmacros['unloopsound']=macros['loopsound']=macros['pausesound']=macros['stopsound']=macros['playsound'] = {\n handler: function (a,b,c,d) {\n var s = eval(d.fullArgs());\n if (s) {\n s=s.toString();\n var m = Soundtracks[s.slice(0,s.lastIndexOf("."))];\n if (m) {\n if(b=="playsound") { m.currentTime=0;; }\n else if (b=="loopsound") { \n if(m.loop==undefined) {\n m.loopfn = function(){this.currentTime = 0;;};\n m.addEventListener('ended',m.loopfn,0);\n console.log("loop property absent");\n } else m.loop=true;\n m.currentTime=0;; \n }\n else if (b=="pausesound") { m.pause(); }\n else if (b=="unloopsound") { \n if (m.loop!=undefined){\n m.loop=false;\n } else if (m.loopfn) {\n m.removeEventListener('ended',m.loopfn);\n delete m.loopfn;\n }\n }\n else if (b=="stopsound") { m.pause(); m.currentTime=0; }\n }\n }\n }\n}\nmacros['stopallsound']={\n handler: function () {\n for(var j in Soundtracks) { var i=Soundtracks[j]; i.pause(); i.currentTime = 0; }\n }\n}
Endless suburb sky above the fence, smoky evening catching the smog from LA.\n\n<<replace "They ask, you sure about this?">><<replace "Nod.">><<replace "They take you out back. Cheap kid's toys lie in the dry mud. A black tarp covers something in the dirt.">><<replace "They throw back the tarp. A pit of blue dust, shimmering softly.">><<replace "You dig your fingers into the cool dust.">>[[You close your eyes.]]<<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>>
"Come in, come in."\n\nThey look appraisingly at your tear ducts. \n\n"We're looking for someone who can weep in a friendly, engaging manner."\n\n<<replace "Try real hard.">><<replace "You can't perform.">><<replace "You strain.">><<replace "Try harder.">>To your supreme shock and horror you realize you haven't cried for years. [[ Wake up.|living room]]<<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>>
Time for work.\n\n[[open the pod|kit x]]
You drive across the desert until you reach the [[factory|5-1]].
<<replace "smash all the windows">>glass shards litter the shopfront.<<endreplace>>\n\n<<replace "break the mirrors">>rows of mascara glint with shards.<<endreplace>>\n\n<<replace "douse the lipstick aisle with kerosine">><<replace "the lipstick glistens with kerosine. flick the lighter">><<replace "lipstick melts in the flames">>[[let the flames engulf you|engulf]]<<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>>\n\n\n\n
You made millions last year arranging deadly accidents for cyborg baseball players.\n\n<<if $drank eq 0>>[[ok|living room]]<<else>>[[ok|drink]]<<endif>>
<<replace "White">>Pink<<set $end = $end + 1>><<if $end eq 8>>[[ (!!!)|plus]]<<endif>><<endreplace>> carpet. <<replace "Black">>Galaxy<<set $end = $end + 1>><<if $end eq 8>>[[ (!!!)|plus]]<<endif>><<endreplace>> ceiling. <<replace "Glass">>Christmas lights <<set $end = $end + 1>><<if $end eq 8>>[[ (!!!)|plus]]<<endif>> are strung all along the<<endreplace>> walls. All your furniture is <<replace "obsidian">>pink quartz<<set $end = $end + 1>><<if $end eq 8>>[[ (!!!)|plus]]<<endif>><<endreplace>>.\n\nOn the <<replace "glass coffee table">>quartz slab<<set $end = $end + 1>><<if $end eq 8>>[[ (!!!)|plus]]<<endif>><<endreplace>> is a <<replace "catcher's mitt">>purple space rock<<set $end = $end + 1>><<if $end eq 8>>[[ (!!!)|plus]]<<endif>><<endreplace>>.\n\nYou recline with a <<replace "cold glass of milk with ice">>neon glass of tropical smoothie with a swirly straw<<set $end = $end + 1>><<if $end eq 8>>[[ (!!!)|plus]]<<endif>><<endreplace>> in your <<replace "air-conditioned">>dripping<<set $end = $end + 1>><<if $end eq 8>>[[ (!!!)|plus]]<<endif>><<endreplace>> apartment.
White carpet. Black ceiling. Glass [[walls]]. All your [[furniture]] is obsidian.\n\nOn the glass coffee table is a [[catcher's mitt]].\n\nYou recline with a cold glass of milk with ice in your air-conditioned apartment.\n\n[[Drink that milk|drink]]
All I want is for all of my friends to become insanely powerful
White carpet. Black ceiling. Glass [[walls]]. All your [[furniture]] is obsidian.\n\nOn the glass coffee table is a [[catcher's mitt]].\n\nReclining in your air-conditioned apartment, nursing dregs of milk and ice.\n\nA [[pod]] falls from the ceiling chute and thumps softly on the carpet.<<set $drank = 1>>
You made millions last year arranging deadly accidents for cyborg baseball players.\n\n<<if $drank eq 0>>[[ok|living room 2]]<<else>>[[ok|drink 2]]<<endif>>
This glass looks good.\n\n<<replace "Raise the first shard to your lips.">><<replace "Wow this is really good.">><<replace "Love this copper aftertaste.">>[[Take another bite.]]<<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>>
You gaze out across the skyline. Dark structures and fumes.\n\n<<if $drank eq 0>>[[ok|living room]]<<else>>[[ok|drink]]<<endif>>
White carpet. Black ceiling. Glass [[walls|walls.]]. All your [[furniture|furniture.]] is obsidian.\n\nOn the glass coffee table is a [[catcher's mitt|catcher's mitt.]].\n\nYou recline with a cold glass of milk with ice in your air-conditioned apartment.\n\n[[Drink that milk|drink 2]]
A futuristic make-up store full of bright colors and gleaming black floor.\n\n<<replace "swing the baseball bat into the glass door">><<replace "bash in the fractured glass">>[[step through|store]]<<endreplace>><<endreplace>>
You arrive at the makeup store. The store is completely repaired.\n\n<<replace "Smear some lipstick across your lips.">>Your lips are fuchsia.<<set $makeup = $makeup + 1>><<if $makeup gte 3>>[[ Pose.|transit]]<<endif>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>>\n\n<<replace "Twist mascara across your eyelashes.">>Your lashes are full.<<set $makeup = $makeup + 1>><<if $makeup gte 3>>[[ Pose.|transit]]<<endif>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>>\n\n<<replace "Brush your nails with polish.">>Your nails are metallic silver.<<set $makeup = $makeup + 1>><<if $makeup gte 3>>[[ Pose.|transit]]<<endif>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>>
Obsidian DVD player. Obsidian plasma TV. Obsidian refrigerator with stainless steel ice machine.\n\n<<if $drank eq 0>>[[ok|living room]]<<else>>[[ok|drink]]<<endif>>
The pink tanker truck has a huge hose attached to it.\n\n<<replace "Unhook the hose">>[[Spray]]<<endreplace>>
glass\n\nice\n\nmilk\n\n[[sit down|living room]]
White carpet. Black ceiling. Glass [[walls|walls.]]. All your [[furniture|furniture.]] is obsidian.\n\nOn the glass coffee table is a [[catcher's mitt|catcher's mitt.]].\n\nReclining in your air-conditioned apartment, nursing dregs of milk and ice.\n\nA [[pod|pod x]] falls from the ceiling chute and thumps softly on the carpet.<<set $drank = 1>>
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Pink goo fountains from the tube, coating the factory's black walls, clogging the machinery.\n\nThe factory is completely encased in pink goo.\n\nSmells like bubblegum and citrus.\n\n[[Inhale|transit]]
a {color:#B0C4DE!important;font-size:110%!important;}\n\na:hover {color:#282828 !important;text-decoration:none !important;font-size:110%!important;}\n\n#passages{font-size:24px; font-family:'Open Sans';\nborder-left: 0px !important; margin:200px 0px 0px 200px !important;}\n\nbody {background-color:black !important;font-size:120%!important;}\n\n.passage{background-color:black !important;font-size:120%!important; position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n left: 0;\n right: 0;\n margin:auto;\n width: 80%;\n height: 80%;}\n\n#sidebar #credits:hover{color:#333;visibility:hidden;}#sidebar #credits a{text-decoration:none;visibility:hidden;}\n\n#sidebar {visibility:hidden!important;}\n\n#footer{display:none!important;}\n\n#toolbar{display:none!important;}\n\n\n.passage[data-tags~=pink] {background-color:#e492f0 !important;color:black;font-size:110%!important; position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n left: 0;\n right: 0;\n margin:auto;\n width: 80%;\n height: 80%;}\n\nbody[data-tags~=pink] {background-color:#e492f0 !important;color:black;font-size:110%!important;}\n\n[data-tags~=pink] a {color:#f8f53b !important;font-size:110%!important;}\n\n[data-tags~=pink] a:hover {color:#0add3b!important;text-decoration:none !important;font-size:110%!important;}
as you fall asleep\n\n<<replace "the past rises up in front of you again">><<replace "but somehow">><<replace "this time it passes through you like">><<replace "you're made of air">><<replace "you see it all">><<replace "and somehow">><<replace "it doesn't matter">><<replace "as much as it used to">>[[wake up|living room 2]]<<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>>
1 black business suit\n\n1 pair of black pants\n\n1 white button-up shirt\n\n1 black tie\n\n1 pair of black business shoes\n\n1 chrome wristwatch (heatproof, waterproof, shatterproof)\n\n1 pair of black sunglasses\n\n1 Segway rental agreement\n\n1 stainless steel lighter\n\n1 can of kerosine\n\n1 aluminum baseball bat\n\n[[Get dressed and leave the apartment|1]]
You're sitting on the side of your bed with your date. The hammer and screwdriver are resting on the bed, softly depressed into the black sheets.\n\n<<replace "Use the hammer on yourself">><<replace "This must be right">><<replace "This is expected of me">><<replace "Crack">>Your hand hangs limply from your arm, a big green-black bruise spreading along your wrist.<<set $sex = $sex + 1>><<if $sex gte 2>>[[ Find your lighter.|after]]<<endif>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>>\n\n<<replace "Use the screwdriver on yourself">><<replace "It digs into your thigh, not yet breaking the skin">><<replace "If you cared about your date, you'd fill your thigh with the screwdriver">><<replace "A spinning motion gets it deeper inside">><<replace "You pride yourself on your sexual prowess">>The black sheets hide the blood pretty well.<<set $sex = $sex + 1>><<if $sex gte 2>>[[ Find your lighter.|after]]<<endif>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>>
1 black business suit\n\n1 pair of black pants\n\n1 white button-up shirt\n\n1 black tie\n\n1 pair of black business shoes\n\n1 chrome wristwatch (heatproof, waterproof, shatterproof)\n\n1 pair of black sunglasses\n\n1 antique metal key\n\n[[Get dressed and leave the apartment|3]]
1 black business suit\n\n1 pair of black pants\n\n1 white button-up shirt\n\n1 black tie\n\n1 pair of black business shoes\n\n1 chrome wristwatch (heatproof, waterproof, shatterproof)\n\n1 pair of black sunglasses\n\n1 minivan rental agreement\n\n1 black USB flash drive with GPS coordinates\n\n[[Get dressed and leave the apartment|2]]
1 shiny magenta dress\n\n1 pair of space tights\n\n2 silver bracelets\n\n1 amethyst ring (large)\n\n1 pair of purple sneakers\n\n1 pink vehicle key with a tiny sapphire set in the handle\n\n1 bright green GPS\n\n[[Get dressed and leave the apartment|5]]
1 shiny magenta dress\n\n1 pair of space tights\n\n2 silver bracelets\n\n1 amethyst ring (large)\n\n1 pair of purple sneakers\n\n1 pink MP3 player with nebula cover\n\n1 mall arcology map\n\n[[Get dressed and leave the apartment|4]]\n\n<<loopsound "">>\n\n<<loopsound "">>
1 shiny magenta dress\n\n1 pair of space tights\n\n2 silver bracelets\n\n1 amethyst ring (large)\n\n1 pair of purple sneakers\n\n1 pink vehicle key with a tiny sapphire set in the handle\n\n1 bright green GPS\n\n5 pink pills\n\n[[Get dressed and leave the apartment|6]]